#7 When to Use Mean vs Median in Calculations

Data Career Week: Tips, Tools and Remote Data Jobs

📊 When to use Mean vs Median

A lot of data professionals get confused at the game of mean vs median in their calculations. We’ll clarify this!

Mean or standard average is calculated by summing all the values in a dataset and then dividing by the number of values. Mean is particularly useful as a measure of central tendency when the data is evenly distributed without extreme outliers.
Example: if you're evaluating the average performance of students in a test where most scores are clustered around a similar range, the mean provides an accurate representation of the overall performance.

Median is the middle value in a dataset when it is ordered from smallest to largest. If there is an even number of observations, the median is the average of the two middle numbers.
Example: consider the analysis of household incomes in a region. If a few households have exceptionally high incomes, these would skew the mean, suggesting a higher average income than what most households experience. In such cases, the median offers a more realistic picture of the typical income, as it is not affected by these extreme values.

Img Source: Scribbr

Calculating Mean and Median in PostgreSQL

 📰 Data Tools, Articles and Resources 


DBeaver Community: This week I came across a pretty powerful and free cross-platform database tool to interact with my databases. It’s pretty easy to use, and has a user friendly UI that makes it easy to understand workflow, query a database.


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